Photos & Things




From the photo scrapbook of Frank and Mal, we deliver these little gems. Please be patient as loading takes time with all these photos

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1987 a few years ago when Frank

Started working with Mal

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Frank & Mal 1987


Frank & Mal 1988


Tamworth CM Festival 1988


On Tour 1989






Underground Mutton Studio beginnings 

Studio moves to Coolongolook


Frank’s Mum


Frank & Joanne






Guess Who !!

Guess who again

On stage 2003

Gidday Mates





Mal (far right) with the don’t knock a rock show band

Mal third from left with Damien, big day for the men of rock being dads again


Damien, our mascot and Mal’s pride and joy

Mal in the studio 2003

Frank in the studio

Frank's oyster lease

The oyster lease shack & Frank


Franks farm stockyard


Frank's  dam with no bloody yabbies they all walked away


The Think Tank


Man with a Mission


Another Think Tank